Brenda Lau : "I wish to stop all wars through music, I might have to declare it right now and hopefully it will happen tomorrow!"
Milad Zendehnam: "We need change, if we don't create it for ourselves who's going to do it for us"?
Martin Galeas: "It would be nice to have this place where everyone is safe and everyone has peace, every living creature"
Vera Chisvo: "For world peace to exist we should be able to express what makes us upset without being judged for that"
Pedro Diaz: "Knowing better each other, we can respect each other."
Santi Vidal: "It’s always very important to look at ourselves to recognize all of these things that are easy to recognize in other people."
George Lernis: "What is important to me is social activism, what you have to say through your music even if it is small."
Nicoh Kwan: "World peace has to start with inner peace first"
Emma River: "It was even more meaningful to unite with music in the middle of the pandemic"
Elias Ringquist: "I believe in creating from the core of the soul"
Aida De Moya: "What if we kept our fears, prejudice, ignorance, and egos aside?"